Sexy Pink Heart
a list of all the teas I drank in my life, always updating
I totally copied this page idea from trapped's tea log!

Mlesna, Strawberry tea - I love it
Pukka, Three mints herbal tea - I actually love it?! This tea literally cured my mint tea repulsion. Incredible. I think I'm on my 5th box

Tea 2 You
Jasmine Pearl Green -
Earl Grey - a friend recommended me this shop at the Borough Market (London); the teas were both beyond amazing

Strawberry green tea - one of my go to’s :)
Cinnamon chai infusion “Love Me Truly” - I don’t know why I got this, I hate cinnamon. Anyway I guess it’s not too disgusting
African roobios infusion - big ew
Pure green tea -
English breakfast -
Earl Grey - good

Vanilla black tea - a winter classic
Moringa & litchi green tea - one of my absolute favourites
Earl Grey -
English Breakfast - not bad, not amazing. They’re ok
Four red fruits -
Peach black tea - very good
Chamomile and green mint - I like it! Despite hating mint in tea/infuses (sorry), I like it!
Chamomile, honey and vanilla - amazing! It tastes like a piece of honey candy
Chamomile, tilia flowers and lime - I don't feel like chamomile + citrus is a good idea. Its drinkable.

"Blue Lady" tea - I got it as a present for my mum. It's a Chinese sencha green tea with cherry blossoms and tropical fruits. I really like it, but it's not one of my favourites. Despite this long list, my tastes are still pretty down to earth and I like to taste the tea when I drink it. Can't really do it with this one

Tick Tock
Naturally caffeine free roobios green tea - I always get this from Whole Foods when I’m in London. It’s good

Higher Living
Chamomile & Vanilla - Underwhelming

English Tea Shop
Blueberry and elderflower white tea - I used to be obsessed with this tea to an unhealthy level. Like, my dentist asked what on earth I was doing, if I was smoking or what. Good thing I can’t find it anymore in the shops I usually go to
Red Berries - very good. Better than the "four red fruits" by Twinings
Pomegranate green tea - strange...

Chelsea Garden - 5/5 tea. Amazing. Great. Incredible
Whisky black tea - I got this for my dad. It’s bitter. I wouldn’t buy it for myself

Pomegranate green tea - strange...

Baby Tea - it’s a tea for infants. I’m not one, but I enjoyed it

Damman Frères
Jasmine green tea - good. Used to be obsessed with it before going vegan. Yeah tea is vegan, but I frequently went to eat cheesecake with a friend and that’s where I drank this tea, like every single time. When I stopped going there, I also stopped drinking this tea... rip
Flavoured black tea n.214 - Violette - as a violet flavour addicted, this tea was underwhelming. It probably isn’t for the majority of people, though
Iced tea “Jardin Bleu” -
Iced tea “Bali” - these teas are probably amazing, but I like my iced tea with 3kg of sugar, which is something only the industry can do. Or I can actually add 10 teaspoons of sugar in it, but I’d feel too bad. So yeah I didn’t particularly like these teas, but for dumb reasons

Yogi Tea
a vast array of flavours - just awful. I tried and tried to like this brand, but at one point I just had to call it quits and move on

Mlesna Tea
Soursop green tea -
Maple tea -
Apple tea -
Raspberry tea -
Peach apricot tea -
Mango tea -
Rose Celyon tea - absolutely amazing! 5/5 (especially soursop)
Lemon tea - no. I don’t like lemon. Why did I buy this?
Orange Pekoe tea - I.... didn't know "orange pekoe" was a type of Celyon tea. I thought it was just some nice old orange flavoured tea :( but it tastes good nonetheless

Crabtree & Evelyn
Earl Grey - nice nice

Vegetal Progress SRL
Karoo African Drink - I thought it was a tea, but I don’t think it is. It made me wanna vomit

Mango & Vanilla black tea - amazing
Green tea - your neutral good generic green tea

Ume plum tea - it’s a Korean tea jelly. You put the jelly in your mug and then pour hot water on it. Good. Cute little pieces of ume plum floating around

Celestial Seasonings
Sleepytime herbal tea - that spearmint……………. ugh…..… no :-( now that I like mint tea I might want to try this again

English Breakfast -
Earl Grey - good good. I have to say, though, that they have a weird right-wing vibe to them

my local Rudolf Steiner School
Tilia Cordata dried leaves and flowers - sometimes you need to step back and acknowledge that there is indeed a “too much natural”. This infuse is where I draw the goddamn line
favourite brands - Mlesna, Whittard, Tea2You
least favourite brands - Yogi Tea, I can’t stand it. Also I never buy Lipton because everyone hates it. I remember drinking their bottled iced tea and it was bad indeed, so I won’t venture further into the brand
brands you buy the most - Twinings, I find
it everywhere I go
favourite type of tea - white. I pretty much only get it in cafes/tearooms because I want it to be a special moment
least favourite type of tea - I haven’t drank oolong that much tbh, so I’d say that one. A lot of people don’t like pu’er but I think it’s fine. I'm also not a huge fan of matcha, and I hate matcha lattes. Which is weird because I love matcha flavoured cakes etc
favourite tea flavours - peach, violet, vanilla, strawberry, moringa & litchi, maple, soursop
least favourite tea flavours - cinnamon, lemon, ginger, liquorice, mint, the chai blend
pick a perfect tea for every season -
winter: vanilla black tea;
spring: moringa & litchi green tea or soursop green tea;
summer: strawberry green tea;
autumn: jasmine green tea.. or mandarin black tea!
how do you like your black tea? - usually with soy milk and/or sugar, or plain
how do you like your green tea? - plain
how do you like your white tea? - plain
most expensive tea you’ve tried? - when I was very young my parents brought me to a tearoom in Rome (Babingtons) and let me have a 20-something euros cup of tea. I remember it was a white tea and its description sounded like it was from a fantasy book, lol. Apparently they only used the most tender part of the tea plant, handpicked in China at dawn (why?!)